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MNI Inc. has always viewed diversity and inclusion as the essence of our workplace. The experience of our female founder in a male-dominated industry has given us a fundamental commitment to facilitating change within the industry and beyond. We believe creating space and opportunity for every race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic background is the only way to move our communities to valuable change. To highlight this commitment within the organization, MNI Inc. has established the “Guiding Light” Initiative to embody the varied means by which we are committing to embrace diversity and foster an environment of inclusion in our workforce and community. A portion of our profits will be committed to this initiative, which stems from a belief in and bolstered by the personal experience of the founder.


We are proud to be finding ways to reach people of all backgrounds and introduce them to the love of building!

Here are some of the ways we prioritize diversity and inclusion:

  • We use a portion of our profits for internal and external efforts to ensure the creation of a diverse workforce and partners/subcontractors.

  • We have committed to 1 scholarship per year for a local student to attend a carpentry program. Which after 20 weeks a student can launch a career in the field of carpentry/construction.

  • We currently have one internship position per job site. This provides an opportunity for a student to gain real job skills, knowledge, and experience.

  • We work closely with various nonprofits that are committed to providing job and learning opportunities to students of all backgrounds.

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